Forest School
Forest School is an inspirational concept providing learning opportunities through practical activities in an outdoor environment. It is an ideal setting in which to develop skills such as perseverance, problem solving, risk taking, creativity and teamwork.
Each class in school have one day each term in the Forest School setting - learning lots of new skills and developing an appreciation of the outdoor environment.
These sessions are planned and delivered by fully qualified Forest School practitioners.
The Great Outdoors!
Parent's Forest School Morning
This term we invited parents to take part in a forest school session to allow them to experience the learning that takes place during our outdoor learning sessions. The feedback we received was fantastic and it was clear that a great time was had by all!
Feedback from Parents:
Just to say a massive thanks to you all for the opportunity this morning to experience a mini forest school session! It was great fun …. Everyone enjoyed it!
The feeling I got at my age when I was able to light a fire 😂 it was such a buzz , I can just imagine the children’s faces when they achieve it for themselves. No wonder my child looks forward to them so much. It’s such a bonus that the staff can deliver this for them! Thanks again, Catherine Norfolk
Thank you for giving parents the opportunity to have a go at forest school, I really enjoyed it. It was very interesting, educational and fun to see the skills the children learn and to experience what they do, I can fully understand why they love it so much, and The Thomson Garden looks fantastic.
Keep up the good work,
Many Thanks,
Elaine Speight.
Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6