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Bottesford Junior School

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Bottesford Junior School

Our Work

Working hard on a maths puzzle

Creating a complete circuit in Science

Investigating shadows in Science

We have been using circuits in DT

Measuring in Maths

In literacy we have been exploring feelings/using show not tell

Working hard in our Maths lessons.

Learning to use a story map and learning how to use inverted commas using supermovers.

Counting in fractions.

Working together in our PSHE lesson

In science we have been looking for sources of light.

Enjoying our yes / no questioning activity

Still image for this video

This week we have been learning about yes/no answers and creating groups

In science, we have been investigating different soil types

Working well as groups!

Learning about our local rivers

Looking for clues to help us write our story map!

Our Year 3 Nativity

In Science we have been classifying rocks

Phoning our friend to describe 'The Bogeyman'

Sorting animals into groups depending on if they have a spine

Conscious alley

Naming bones on the skeleton in scienice

Identifying nouns in literacy

Labelling body parts on each other