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Bottesford Junior School

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Bottesford Junior School

Mental Health

Children’s Mental Health Week 2025

As part of children’s mental health week the children were asked to think about the feelings and emotions they experience when they push themselves to achieve something new. The focus of the week this year was Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.

World Mental Health Day 2024

In assembly this week Mrs Carpenter talked to the children about mental health and the importance of looking after both our physical and mental health. The children learnt how to look after their mental health in their daily lives by being active, spending time in nature and doing activities that they enjoy. 

Children’s Mental Health Week 2024

As part of Place to Be‘s Children’s Mental Health week, the children listened to an assembly about how we can use our voices to make a difference in the world. The children then completed an activity in class which asked them to think about what they would change if their voice could be heard. A selection of their responses can be seen on the mental health board in the school hall.

Children's Mental Health Week 2023

This year the school celebrated Children’s Mental Health week by thinking about the connections we make each day and the importance of those connections for our mental health. Working in classes, the children created some acrostic poems using the letters from Let’s Connect which was the theme this year. Those poems are now on display for all to see.

Our Let's Connect Poetry

With Me In Mind Newsletters

Parent Plus eClinic

New Parent Plus eClinic app is an instant messaging drop in clinic for parents, carers and professionals wanting advice around young people aged 11-18 years and to talk with a With Me In Mind Practitioner or CAMHS via their mobile device. The app can be downloaded via android or IOS then register your details and book an appointment via the app. The appointment is held via a text massage based service.

Parents can talk with a With Me In Mind Practitioner or CAMHS about the following:

Anger, Body Image and Eating, Bullying, Gender Identity, Low Mood, Self-esteem/Confidence, Self-harm, Stress, Trauma/Bereavement and Worry and Anxiety.

Please note that this service is only available to parents of Year 6 pupils or those pupils moving from Year 5 to Year 6 in September.

Children's Mental Health 2022

The theme for Children's Mental Health week this year us 'Growing Together'. In school, we have been encouraging the children to think about how they have grown since starting at Bottesford Junior School. It may be that they have mastered a skill in maths, learnt a new trick in football or developed strategies to help them with any worries. Every child is different and will have their own growth story to share.

Summer Activities 

Hopefully we will have lots of warm, sunny weather over the summer holidays but if we happen to have some rain or you just feel like doing some craft activities, please feel free to use the resources below. Hope you have a lovely summer!

Children's Mental Health 2021

1st - 7th February was Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme this year was Express Yourself. In school, we asked children to think about the things that they do that allow them to express who they are – this may be something creative or sporty or anything that they choose to do that they enjoy. Those children working from home also had the opportunity to participate by creating a picture and uploading it to their Google Classroom. It is more important than ever that we support children’s mental health – should you wish to find out more about Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 please follow the link below.

Children's Mental Health Week - 2021

Express Yourself display

Activities for the Summer Holidays

Selfcare Summer - Primary Pack

Coping with anxiety

At some point in their lives all children will feel anxious or fearful of something. Within this section there is some information on anxiety and some activities that may help. 

Structure and Routine

When children are in school there is a great deal of structure and stability - at home this is not always the case and this can lead to negative behaviours, conflict and anxiety. Creating a visual timetable is a great way of creating the structure needed. Where possible, they should be created with the child allowing them to choose which activities they would like to do first - this will give them ownership over their day. Remember to include breaks and some exercise time and activities that they enjoy doing. It may be that you will need to create a new timetable each day to mix it up a bit. Some examples of timetable are included below for you to try but there are plenty available online which you can personalise for your child. Also included are some reward charts that may prove useful.

Tips for families


Mindfulness is a practice about living in the moment. The focus is brought to the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing. With children the goal of mindfulness is to help them move beyond thoughts that may be draining, negative or worrisome.

Below are some mindfulness coloring sheets for you to use at home and some brain break breathing activities.

Activities for home

Self-relection journal

Links to helpful websites

Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Policy

Relaxation techniques

Tips to help children sleep